Our Story

The heart of tradition represents the tradition we live today, following the paths of the great culinary masters. The project brings together exquisitely designed books, sophisticated modernised traditional boutique products, events and workshops, and a book experience.

Our journey began in the old town centre of Radovljica, where our path often took us to Hiša Linhart, where traditional dishes are given a new look, but the flavours still take us back to our grandmother's kitchen. The idea was born out of a love for cuisine, tradition, handicrafts and the people who, through their stories and work, live and pass on the tradition.

"The heart of tradition represents the tradition that we live today in all its diversity and uniqueness, following the paths of the finest culinary masters." Vesna Kropf

In the photo; Chef Uroš Štefelin and the founders of the Heart of Tradition - David and Vesna Kropf.

Vesna Kropf Avtorica in co-funder

Velika ljubiteljica knjig, navdušenka nad kulinariko, avtorica mnogih prispevkov in knjig Osrčje tradicije. Iz navdiha, ki ga skozi svoje življenje črpa iz življenjskih zgodb ljudi, z roko v roki z veliko ljubeznijo do kulinarike, se je rodila ideja o Osrčju tradicije, ki predstavlja košček zgodovine človeštva, ki bo čez desetletja predstavljal navdih. Skozi svoje pisanje želi bralca popeljati po Gorenjskem, z zgodbami navdihniti in spodbuditi, da svoj čas za trenutek ustavi, obenem pa mu odpreti ideje, kjer bo začutil pristnost tradicije, ki jo živimo danes.

"Books are the heritage of the world, providing history for future generations and inspiration for readers to seek and create their own path in life." Vesna Kropf

David Kropf co-founder and project manager

A lover of cuisine and handicrafts, especially chef's knives, he is also a project manager with several years of experience on a wide variety of projects, including the next one, The Heart of Tradition.

Our Vision

The vision of the Heart of Tradition, in addition to preserving folk traditions and presenting the traditions we live today, is closely intertwined with looking to the future, to future generations. Preserving local farmers, old types of produce and products, and handicrafts. At the same time, through the cuisine of a chef who is closely linked to tradition, we try to preserve traditional dishes and present their vision through the path they have travelled.

Team Osrčje Tradicije

Franci Tičar, Blacksmith

"Jezerjan" Franci Tičar, blacksmith, artist, carver and proud father of three beautiful daughters, which, as he jokes, are his most perfect achievement, full of good will and a perfectionist in his work, because, as he says: "I spend so much time filing each thing to perfect it", always impresses again and again with his new products, which come out from under his hands.

For the Heart of Tradition in Gorenjska, he created a chef's knife following the guidelines and wishes of Uroš Štefelin. It carries the story of grandmothers who used one knife for all in the kitchen, and with the sophistication of the modernity of the stainless steel blade and the stabilised pear wood handle, the knife will serve in the kitchen for at least a generation.

"We can't run out of ideas! I have at least three lifetimes of my own, and my wife has at least that many, so obviously I won't be bored in this life here and now:)." Franci Tičar

Jan Mihelič 

Jan Mihelič, a young boy who raced through the forests below Kriška Gora with a bow, today a carpenter with an eternal connection to wood. He makes his products with heart and soul and with immense respect for wood, while at the same time meeting the demands of the present and taking the future fully into account. With every finished product, he looks with pride towards improving and upgrading the next one. 

For the Heart of Tradition, he has created a tepka board that can serve as a cutting board on the home table, as well as a serving board for dishes.

"A whisper of wood telling me its story, where I found the true meaning of my life." Jan Mihelič

Tanja Rebolj, Herbalist

Tanja Rebolj, the driving force behind Cvet Gora and Herbal Advenures, homeopath, student of Bach flower therapy and psychotherapy, and at the same time a mother and a wife, who is most often seen today with her arms full of herbs and a basket full of flowers, which she uses in her herbal liqueurs as well as in her other products.

For the Heart of Tradition in Gorenjska, she created LIMETED EDITION herbal liqueur Gorenjsko zlato, which, like all of her liqueurs, has herbal powers that help purify the blood and respiratory tract, and will be avaliable soon.

Založba Chiara

Through books and workshops, she helps people to find answers to life's many questions, to realise their own potential, and to support them to achieve a fuller life and richer relationships. We lovingly support our readers on their paths of transformation with selected motivation that leads to the desired solutions. With Heart of Tradition, we are creating a new book collection Heart of Tradition, which will present the traditions we live today in the ways of culinary masters through people's stories to inspire our readers on their life journey.

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